Sunday, August 7, 2011


Today I finally took my sauerkraut out of the fridge, to give it another taste. If you remember, I broke down and poured in some vinegar, to speed the flavor up a bit. That helped immensely. I used about a quarter cup of it for lunch today in a sort of saute (1/2 c sauerkraut, 1 onion cut in semicircle strips, 2 diced potatoes, and 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds cooked in olive oil until it was all soft and smelling lovely. I would have thrown in an apple too, if I had any). The sauerkraut was good, but the flavor is a bit lacking in complexity. So I decided to move it to a bigger jar (it was a little too tightly packed before), stir in a couple teaspoons of caraway seeds, and top it off with vinegar. We'll see what it does.


  1. I just found your site after seeing your comment on mine. Awhile back I was thinking it would be interesting to make my own sauerkraut but was unsure about it. After seeing your post, I think I will try it soon.

  2. Cool. Hope it goes well! Have fun :)

  3. JOhanna, Patience, I think vinegar will stop the fermentation. Just let it go up to a month in a cool place, and it should be plenty sour. Ken


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